Need Help Securing Approval To Attend iConnect 2022?

Check Out Our “Convince Your Boss” Letter.

Copy, Paste, Edit, and Send – You’ll Be Packing Your Bags In No Time!

iConnect “Convince Your Boss” Letter Script:

Hello [First Name],

I’m reaching out to request your approval to attend KUBRA’s annual client conference, iConnect. This year’s event will be held from October 3rd to 5th, 2022, in Scottsdale, AZ.

By attending iConnect, I will have the opportunity to connect with the KUBRA team and other utility professionals in similar roles.

In addition to the keynote, Shep Hyken, and a full roster of featured guest speakers, this year’s agenda includes numerous utility-led sessions. Utility presenters announced so far include CPS Energy, Eversource, PNM, EMWD, Georgia Power, Liberty Utilities, Lakeland Electric, and Austin Energy. I’m eager to learn how these organizations are leveraging KUBRA solutions as I’m certain there are some tangible and transferable applications to our projects.

All in, iConnect 2022 includes one keynote, three featured guest speakers, three networking events, three collaborative workshops, six KUBRA solution sessions, and more than 10 utility-led presentations. You can have a look at the agenda online here.

I believe attending this event will be extremely valuable. I’ll learn more about industry best practices, new solutions to challenges we face every day, and useful lessons. Following the event, I would be more than happy to share everything I learn with the team.

The registration fee is only $595 and includes all meals for the duration of the event. I also have access to a preferred hotel rate of $349/night if I book before September 7, 2022.

Thank you for considering my request. Please let me know if there is any other information I can provide to help you decide.

[Add Closing and Signature Field]


We look forward to seeing you at iConnect from Oct 3-5, 2022!